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Match a media query against the document.

The useMediaQuery hook is helpful when you want to match a certain media query string against the document. It also listens for changes in the document to return to most recent result at all times.

The utilizes the browsers matchMedia API under the hood.


(max-width: 600px)
(max-width: 768px)
(min-width: 320px)
Resize the document to see changes in query states.


Import the hook from @abhushanaj/react-hooks and use in required component.

import { useMediaQuery } from '@abhushanaj/react-hooks';
function App() {
const isMatch = useMediaQuery('(min-width: 600px)');
return (
<p>Media Query is : {isMatch ? 'Matched' : 'Not Matched'}</p>
export default App;

API Reference


mediaQueryStringstringThe media query to match against the document.N/A
serverDefaultboolean (optional)The match value to use in server snapshot (during SSR). Defaults to false.false

Return Value

isMatchbooleanWhether the media query matches the document.N/A