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Manage a queue of items

The useQueue hook is helpful when you want to manage a queue of items (based on queue data structure).

It provide with helper methods like add, clear, remove, set, reset and additional properties like firstItem, lastItem and size.


First Item
Last Item
Single Item
Size: 1Try adding and removing items on the queue.


Import the hook from @abhushanaj/react-hooks and use in required component.

import React from 'react';
import { useQueue } from '@abhushanaj/react-hooks';
function App() {
const [queue, queueControls] = useQueue([]);
const { remove, add, clear, firstItem, lastItem, size, set, reset } = queueControls;
return (
<p>Size: {size}</p>
<p>First Item: {firstItem}</p>
<p>Last Item: {lastItem}</p>
<button onClick={clear}>Clear</button>
<button onClick={() => add(queue.length)}>Add Item</button>
onClick={() => {
const removedItem = remove();
Remove Item
export default App;

API Reference


initialQueueArray<T> (optional)The initial queue with items prefilled.[]

Return Value

queueArray<T>The current queue.N/A
queueControlsQueueControlsThe control options for the queue to add, remove etc.N/A

Types Reference

1. QueueControls

firstItemT|undefinedThe first item inserted into queue.N/A
lastItemT|undefinedThe last item inserted into queue.N/A
sizenumberThe size of the queue.N/A
clear()=>voidClears the queue to an empty state.N/A
add(newItem: T)=>voidAdds a new item to the queue.N/A
remove()=>T|undefinedRemoves the first inserted (FIFO) and returns the item.N/A
set(newQueue: Array<T>)=>voidSet the current queue state to new queue passed.N/A
reset()=>voidResets the current queue state to the initial queue state.N/A